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The stressors that kids encounter growing up in today’s world look completely different from when we were growing up. There’s so much coming at them from every angle- social media, the pressure to be “cool” and let's not even mention all of the changes taking place in their bodies during adolescence! In a world that sends messages to our children that they are not good enough- it’s vital that we affirm them with the truth that they are enough. When youth are affirmed by those that love them, that voice becomes their inner dialogue.

Parents, we get it- managing busy schedules, the kids' homework, sports, music lessons and everything in between can sometimes leave your head spinning! With all the hustle and bustle, intentional moments to affirm and praise your child can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Well, we’ve got your back. The Arrow Dynamic Curriculum was designed to support you with creating intentional moments with your child(ren). 

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Youth Organizations

Sharp Arrows is devoted to building a brighter future by adding value to the community. We’ve created products that affirm young minds and we’re locking arms with organizations whose mission is to serve, empower and restore hope in the next generation.

We believe that it takes the combined efforts of youth advocates and community leaders to encourage youth to develop a sense of purpose, confidence and well being as they navigate challenges. If you’re interested in adding our Confidence Building Resources to your group of youth, please contact us, today!


Introducing The Arrow Dynamic Curriculum™ 

It’s important that children have the right tools in their toolbox and establish healthy mental habits. This will equip them to navigate stressors, redirect negative thoughts and replace them with positive truth as they begin their journey! Any incredible journey ALWAYS begins with positive Self-Talk.


Negative Self Talk

  • This is too hard. I can’t do this.

  • No one likes me. 

  • I’m overweight and out of shape.

  • I tried but I failed. I feel like a loser.

  • I’ve never done this before. 



Positive Talk

  • I’ll try again from a different angle and give it my best shot.

  • I like me. I am special, unique and wonderful.

  • I’m capable and I have the power to become a healthier me. 

  • Either I win or I learn. I never lose. It took courage to try. 

  • Here’s an opportunity to try something new.

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Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth, those who care for and protect our people.
— Nelson Mandela

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